
Posted on | Wednesday, August 31, 2011 | No Comments

Just A View

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Posted on | Thursday, August 18, 2011 | No Comments

Places of Learning

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Everyone in this world has their own place where they learn how to be them self. Most of us living in this modern world, the place to do this is a school or a teaching institution. According to some group of people that we spent most of our life time in school and only some part of it is used for our personal life. From the first time we enrolled in the elementary school, junior high school, high school and through to collage most of our time were consumed in the effort of learning things that will somehow help us in the upcoming years of our life. Though the decision of what to learn and not to learn is not up to us but rather the institution or the government where we live. Therefor the path of our future no longer entirely belong to us. But for some of us whose lucky enough to find our path already set in front of us just the way we wanted although not rare but there are others who also have to start again from the beginning to achieve their ambition.


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